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Best Seller From Self Publishing in India - The Rozabal Line (Ashwin Sanghi)

Best Seller From Self Publishing in India - The Rozabal Line (Ashwin Sanghi)

Ashwin Sanghi may today be India’s highest-selling thriller writer, but when he wrote his first book, The Rozabal Line, he didn’t find too many takers for it. “I had self-published my first novel The Rozabal Line via a US-based self-publishing platform called which had just set up shop. The year was 2007,” he wrote in a book. After seeking out several distributors here in India who could distribute the book for him here, Sanghi ultimately met with the owners of Landmark bookstores, who put him in touch with Westland Books. The rest, as they say, is history.

CREDIT For Info - Blog Juggernot 

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