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How Our Children Brought-us-Up

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    Written byMANOJ BHURARIA
  • Book TitleHow Our Children Brought-us-Up


Book By Manoj Bhuraria

Details :   

ISBN - 978-93-94807-67-9

Publisher - Authors Tree Publishing

Pages - 104, Language - English

Price  - Rs.199/-  Only + Shipping

( Paperback)

Category -  Non-Fiction/Parenting

Delivery Time - 6 to 9 working days

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This semi-autobiographical book encapsulates how the unique journey of parenting, undertaken by the author and his wife, provided a vehicle for their voyage of self-discovery. Enroute, they discovered that if parenting is approached with right attitude, honest intention and correct perspective by parents, it can be as much about their own self-growth as it is about their children's. Parenting then becomes a dynamic two-way process in which your children provide you insights and learnings, aiding your own growth too. The author's parenting journey is beautifully interwoven with spiritual evolution, which he and his wife consciously embraced and practiced since the beginning of their parenthood. Hence, the book presents a strong case for bringing spirituality mainstream, and maintains that spirituality is not something esoteric or other-worldly. It should underline one's being and be the guiding source in simplifying one's day-to-day living. This would facilite conscious and responsive parenting which could be any and every parent's endeavour, provided they are willing and ready for it. Aided by some insightful anecdotes and experiences of the protagonists, the book concludes by underscoring that parents have a sacred responsibility to bring-up their child competently, conscientiously and uncomplicatedly.

About Author


MANOJ BHURARIA is a retired Commodore from the Indian Navy, having dedicated over three decades of his life to the Naval Service. He is a Naval Architect by specialisation with a double post-graduation - from IIT Delhi and IIT Bombay. Besides his technical qualifications, he is also a qualified personality assessor from Defence Institute of Psychological Research, New Delhi and was an Interviewing officer as well as President at one of the Services Selection Boards, selecting officer-candidates for the Indian Navy.

Manoj has been passionate about mentoring and guiding the youth and over the years has obtained additional degrees in Guidance & Counselling from Annamalai University as well as M.Sc. in Professional College Counselling. He intends starting his own practice as a Mentor and Guide for the youth, in due course. How our Children Brought-Us-Up is his first book on his and his wife's unique parenting journey.