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The Magical Adventures of Rosie

By: Anaisha


Book By Anaisha

Details :   

ISBN - 978-81-975631-6-4

Publisher - Authors Tree Publishing

Pages - 62, Language - English

Price  - Rs.299/-  Only  (Shipping Free)

( Paperback)

Category -  Children's Books/Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror

Delivery Time - 6 to 9 working days

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Read this book to enter Rosie’s magical world and enjoy her adventures. Rosie is a kind hearted and courageous fairy who helps the needy.

About Author

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Hi, my name is Anaisha Kumar Jha and I am 9 years old. My hobbies include art & craft, story writing, swimming and dancing. I can spend hours drawing or thinking about new stories to tell. I enjoy traveling. My first story was “The Girl Who Saved the Happy Dreams” which was published in a book named ‘I SEE SPRING’, which is widely available on Amazon. I want to publish books so that I can share my stories, ideas and thoughts with everyone.

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