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The Adventures of Isla & Astro

By: Shantelle Pereira


Book By Shantelle Pereira

Details :   

ISBN - 978-81-971538-6-0

Publisher - Authors Tree Publishing

Pages - 60, Language - English

Price  - Rs.175/-  Only  + Shipping Extra

( Paperback)

Category -  Children's Books/Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror

Delivery Time - 6 to 9 working days

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"What! No, this.......this is not possible"

The Tales Of Isla And Astro talks about a 19 year old girl spending time and going on adventures with her dog. From LA to Florida the adventures never end, and neither do the friends!

So what are you waiting for? Start turning the pages of this book to reveal the shocking but proud discovery made by the world's best friend circle!

About Author

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Shantelle Pereira

Writing a book isn't a very easy thing to do. It comes with a lot of obstacles along the way. But, with the right dedication and hard work, anyone can get the job done! My authoring journey began by writing a co-authored book with many of my friends I made in the summer vacation of the year 2023, and wrote a book called 'I See Spring'. Not only did I enjoy it, but that experience inspired me to continue writing. I would like to extend a big thanks to Miss Khushi for always being so patient and compiling this book for me. This wouldn't be possible without her. So, what are you waiting for? Start turning the pages of this book to enjoy endless adventures with Isla and Astro, and I really hope each one of my dear readers can be inspired by this book and its contents.

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