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Bee in Harmony

By: Vibha Divekar


Book By Vibha Divekar

Details :   

ISBN - 978-81-974553-2-2

Publisher - Authors Tree Publishing

Pages - 24, Language - English

Price  - Rs.399/-  Only  ( Shipping Free)

( Paperback)

Category -  Children's Books/Fantasy, Story, Color, Comic Book

Delivery Time - 6 to 9 working days

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In a sunny meadow filled with dancing flowers, lived a busy bee and her friends. Together, they had a special mission: to teach you the magic of teamwork. Join them  in their bustling hive, and discover how working together can make everything sweeter.

About Author

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Vibha Divekar

Hello, everyone!

I'm Vibha, and I'm so excited to share my stories with you! 
Writing books has been my dream ever since I was little, and now I get to share that dream with all of you!

Dear Kids : I hope my stories make you laugh, dream big, and explore new places right from your cozy reading spot. Whether you love brave heroes, curious creatures, or silly surprises, there's something special in my books just for you!

Dear parents: Thank you for welcoming my stories into your homes. My goal is to spark your child's imagination, foster a love for reading, and create moments of joy and togetherness. I believe that books are a wonderful way to bond and learn, and I'm thrilled to be a part of your family's reading adventures.

If you have a feedback about this book or want to get in touch with me please feel free to reach out to my

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