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A Piece of War

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    Written byNihaal Sylva
  • Book TitleA Piece of War

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Book By Nihaal Sylva

Details :   

ISBN - 978-93-XXXXX-X-X

Publisher - Authors Tree Publishing

Pages - 100, Language - English

Price  -  Rs. 399/-  Rs.299/-  Only with Free Shipping

(Order Now: Paperback)

Category -  Fictional Book/Story

Delivery Time - 6 to 9 working days

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Nihaal Sylva is an 11-year-old author from Solihull, England. He loves athletics, football and art. His dream is to play professional football and, in some way, this story ‘You Can Create Miracles’ is a journey of his own life that he wants to share and inspire all who read it. He is always striving to help his friends and family change their attitudes and transform their days from bad to good ones.

About Author

Nihaal Sylva

Nihaal Sylva is an 11-year-old author from Solihull, England. He loves athletics, football and art. His dream is to play professional football and, in some way, this story ‘You Can Create Miracles’ is a journey of his own life that he wants to share and inspire all who read it. He is always striving to help his friends and family change their attitudes and transform their days from bad to good ones.

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