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Divine Connection

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    Written byDr. Sangeeta Kapoor
  • Book TitleDivine Connection



Book By Dr. Sangeet Kapoor

Details :   

ISBN: 978-81-974553-4-6

Publisher - Authors Tree Publishing

Pages - 501, Language - Hindi/English

Price  -  Rs. 699/-  Rs.560/-  Only with Free Shipping

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Category -  Law Books/ Chhattisgarh State Services

Delivery Time - 6 to 9 working days

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  1.    Begin with a prayer: First, Hold the closed book on your left palm and place the right palm on the top of book, hold the book near the centre of your chest. Surrender and pray to God to give you clear answers, you need not say a formal invocation or special calling, this is totally between you and The Divine.

  2.    Relax Your Mind: Take a few deep breaths and relax your mind.

  3.    Frame Your Questions: This is very important to frame your question very crisp and clear manner.

  4.   Concentrate on your question: With all trust and faith while thinking firmly on your question or speaking it loudly, stroke the edge of the pages.

  5.   Get You Answer: When you get a strong feeling that this page has your answer, open the book and you will find your divine answer.

  6.   Repeat: Same process for different questions as many as you have.

  7.   Trust: If the reading doesn’t make sense, concentrate on your faith and keep your trust, allow some time to pass to help you balance your understanding, conflicting answers mean that your question or your faith are wavering.

  8. Gratitude: At the end, be thankful to Divine for guiding you correctly.

About Author

Dr. Sangeeta Kapoor

Dr. Sangeeta Kapoor was born in Delhi, India, in May 1976.
She is a versatile multidimensional personality.

She is a Grand Master in Alternative Healings, Tarot Card Reader, Clairvoyant, Numerologist, Astrologist, Vastu Expert, Magician, Life Coach, Healer, TV & Film Artist, Speaker, Mentor, and Guide of Alternative Healing Science and Spirituality.

Her name has gotten registered eight times till the year 2023 in
Guinness Book of World Records, Indian Book of Records, International Talent Book of Records & OMG Book of Records.

She is the founder of Healing Research Centre And The Sangeeta School of Magic.

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